Saturday 1 June 2013

3 to 4 More Weeks!

My wonderful friend Jenny took me for another x-ray on Wednesday and my anticipation level was almost as high as the day Mr G and I were in Nelson Bay.  X-rays are passive, there's not much you can do really except wait in a pleasant little room until called and then lay under the x-ray machine.....well it would have been pleasant if not for the incessant concrete drilling and building noises going on in the office next door.   Then they ask you to wait again until the picture is ready.  All I could think of was - I hope the bones have grown significantly!  I have been so good these last 3 weeks - rested, took calcium, drank protein shakes, took vitamins, religiously rubbed my foot with comphrey, and visualised the bones growing & growing - the whole gamut of  "bone self help". 

I made the mistake of asking to have the report emailed to me at the same time as the doctor....I wanted to celebrate the miraculous bone growth even before being told about it I guess.  So imagine my deep disappointment when I first saw the x-rays at home - they didn't look any different.  And then, when the copy of the report came it was only 1 sentence long - 'no visible sign of healing' - that was it.  Deep deep disappointment.  So the rest of Wednesday and Thursday morning I was pretty quiet.

Jenny was back on Thursday afternoon (Bless her!) to take me to the specialist.  She and Steph did their best to cheer me up.  "It is what it is", Steph kept telling me.  The doctor, just like last time, made me feel a whole lot better.  He said the bones don't show growth in 3 weeks - for anyone.  He was looking for stability....were they in the same place and not moving around.  Luckily they are.  He said I needed to give it another 3-4 weeks of doing what I was doing now...and he said he did not recommend that I go back to the boat before then.  Bummer - Big Bummer.  Oh well, "it is what it is".  I have to go back for more x-rays and another appointment in 3 weeks....hopefully for the 'all clear'.

I called Captain G to give him the news.  He didn't say much - except that I needed to get better and it would be OK.  I cried and said I was sorry - He said so too.  Then we moved point in dwelling on what can't be changed.  I'm keeping up the "bone self help".

Enough of that.  Captain G is still in Manly Marina in Morton Bay.  He's been pretty busy with the washing machine, visiting with Pip, Kate and Brian, and meeting up with Greg and Heidi - who launched a centre cockpit version of our Bluewater 420 recently - we were side by side in the boat show last year.  They pulled into Manly mid-week on their way north. 

The washing machine is pretty sick.  Turns out, even though the Soba 1000 are promoted for boats and caravans, they don't particularly work that well on boats.  They aren't grounded properly...which means the outer drum has rusted from electrolysis.  David, our boat builder, is on the way up there to see Captain G and he'll check it out.  He's already been on to the manufacturers in Europe.  We may have to engage in the dreaded marine LAUNDROMAT! for the rest of the trip north.   Not so bad really, I'm sure we'll manage just like everyone else.

Last night Jenny and I went out to dinner at a local Japanese restaurant called Ju-Rin.  Lovely night and great food.  We had a terrific time talking and laughing and drinking way too much wine.  Getting myself into the house and into bed on crutches after too much wine was interesting!  Thanks Jenny for a terrific night....and for being such a good friend!

To end this post on a lighter note I'd thought I'd show some pictures of the Morton Bay Fig tree since that's where Captain G is at the moment.  I LOVE these trees!  Wikipedia says - Ficus macrophylla, commonly known as the Moreton Bay Fig, is a large evergreen banyan tree native of most of the eastern coast of Australia.  It is best known for its beautiful buttress roots. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!   Here are some nice Morton Bay Tree pictures from Flickr....

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