Monday, 17 December 2012

And so it begins....

Today, after many many months of procrastinating, I'm going to start a blog with the help of my good friend who's given up her time today to help me through the start up process - Sarah (Thank You!).  Here goes...

First of all my life has been changed by this beautiful lady...Southern Belle.  I'll talk a lot about her and how she's added value and complexity to my life.   Our boat.

There will also be a lot said about my husband, my life's partner, my best friend.  He's shy about the internet - won't touch facebook or anything to do with social media - so let's agree now to call him "Pookie".  He'll hate that....but it's kind of endearing don't you think?
The other significant other in my life is Molly - our beautiful Australian Koolie dog. 

I hope to make this a habit in the days and months ahead.  

1 comment:

  1. G,day Gail, glad you have joined the ranks of us bloggers at last :) I have just recently moved my blog to wordpress on my own server not sure if you have the new address or not its at now.

    Angie got me a new camera for Christmas so I have had a lot of photos up recently, they say that a picture says a thousand words. The boat looks well cant wait to get out on her. It will be great if you can do your blogs from the boat if you are away traveling on her. I got very little sailing done this season here as the weather was pretty awful and the new pup is also a bit of a tie. anyway great to see your blogs and I look forward to more :)
